
Home Classes
8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Pre- Nursery at Little Sprouts ELC, lays emphasis on developing social skills and sensory stimulation of your child by focusing on building …

  • Age: 2-3 Years
  • Class Size: 20
8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Here at Little Sprouts ELC, FS1 Class, we recognise that young children learn best when they are active. We understand that active learning involves other people, objects, ideas and events that engage and involve children for sustained periods.

  • Age: 3-4 Years
  • Class Size: 25
8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Throughout the Reception/FS2 year, practitioners will observe and assess each child in order to understand any progress and/or needs. Ongoing assessment (also known as formative assessment) takes place throughout the year and informs practitioners of a child’s level of achievement and interests.

  • Age: 4-5 Years
  • Class Size: 30
Year 1
08:00 am - 12:00 am

Leaving Reception behind and moving into Year 1 can feel like a big step for both children and their parents. We make the transition into Year 1 a smooth one. The children will still be learning through play, they will still be exploring, discovering and making plenty of use of their role-play corner.

  • Age: 5-6 Years
  • Class Size: 30
Holiday Camps
08:00 am - 12:00 pm

Our camps are designed to foster experiential learning, where knowledge acquisition occurs through active engagement and subsequent reflection.

  • Age: 2-5 Years
  • Class Size: 30
08:00 am - 06:00 pm

we offer a high-quality day care which provide a warm and inclusive atmosphere where all children feel cared for and supported.

  • Age: 2-6 Years
  • Class Size: 25