We offer a holistic approach to learning. Integrating the EYFS British Curriculum with our tailored enrichment programs, our curriculum guarantees a joyful developmental journey for each child. We teach seven areas of learning which are:
Communication and language
Often learned through roleplay, children might practise listening to others, listening to stories, using descriptive language to express themselves or tell a story, or expanding their vocabulary.
Early Learning Goals
Listening: To listen during larger and smaller group discussions, clarify their understanding of what they have heard with comments and questions and hold back and forth conversations.
Speaking: To express their ideas, feelings and explanations, using new vocabulary, different tenses.
Activities to support learning
Listening to others sharing experiences and opinions
Listening to stories
Using descriptive language to express themselves or tell a story
Learning new words to expand their vocabulary
Physical development
Early Learning Goals
Gross motor skills: Develop balance, coordination and the ability to negotiate obstacles and use their strength in a controlled way, plus to confidently use movements like running, jumping, hopping and skipping.
Fine motor skills: To properly hold and use a pencil, plus other small tools like pens, paintbrushes, knives, forks, spoons, scissors etc.
Activities to support learning
Games that involve running, jumping, throwing and catching
Using equipment such as climbing frames
Older children might also discuss healthy living and how they feel after exercise
Drawing, coloring, painting and crafts
Eating independently using cutlery
Personal, social and emotional development
Early Learning Goals
Self-regulation: Learn to recognise their own and others’ feelings and how best to respond, learn to follow instructions and control their impulses and behaviour.
Managing self: Building independence and perseverance, understanding right and wrong and that rules are there for a reason, learning about personal hygiene and healthy habits.
Building relationships: To cooperate with others and be sensitive to each other’s needs, to form positive relationships and friendships.
Activities to support learning
Practising sharing and taking turns
Following instructions and rules and understanding why
Exploring their own needs, interests and feelings
Learning about and respecting each other’s differences
Practising independence and self-care
Early Learning Goals
Comprehension: Show that they understand stories being read to them by retelling and discussing the story in their own words, confidently use vocabulary they have learned in stories, rhymes, poems etc.
Word reading: Be able to say a sound for every letter of the alphabet (such as ‘puh’ for P) and some digraphs (such as ‘thuh’ for th), read some words using this skill.
Writing: Write letters and some simple words and sentences.
Activities to support learning
Singing nursery rhymes to explore rhymes and syllables
Learning the alphabet and digraph sounds verbally
Matching sounds with the letters of the alphabet
Writing some letters, their names and other simple words
Early Learning Goals
Number: Understand how to say and write 1 -10 in order, be able to recognise 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 objects without counting, know number bonds up to 10.
Numerical patterns: Count pas 20, explore and compare patterns and quantities in numbers up to 10.
Activities to support learning
Identifying and drawing shapes
Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing using objects
Learning about weights and measures
Understanding the world
Early Learning Goals
Past and present: Learn about and discuss others’ lives and roles in the community and society, learn about the past and compare how things were then to now.
People, culture and communities: Describe their own environment and culture and be able to compare it with those in other cultures, faiths and countries.
The natural world: Explore the natural world and understand what is natural and what is man-made, understand changing seasons and weather and the effects they have.
Activities to support learning
Exploring their senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch
Learning about nature and seasons, often outdoor learning in a local park or woodland
Looking at maps
Exploring cultures, religion and cultural and religious festivals
Practical experiments with science, such as seeing which objects float in a tub of water
Using computers or other technology to begin children’s technical skills
Expressive arts and design
Early Learning Goals
Creating with materials: Explore different materials, textures and techniques for creating art and explain their process; use props effectively in roleplaying and storytelling.
Being imaginative and expressive: Create and tell stories of their own, sing nursery rhymes and songs from memory.
Activities to support learning
Painting, messy painting, drawing and crafts
Making music and singing
Dancing, independently and as a group
Roleplaying known stories (such as fairy tales) and their own stories
Through play, we foster social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth. Collaborating closely with parents, we prioritize emotional well-being, nurturing self-awareness, and confidence. Recognizing and affirming each child’s abilities which cultivates a positive learning environment.